What Is In Your Garden?
As we enter into month 50-11 of COVID-19 + quarantine, I wanted to stop by and ask, how are ya’ll doing? Time is flying and often we do not take a moment to review what is + what is not working in our lives. When I ask my patients to take inventory of those things, the main problem they report to me is finding balance. A balanced life is more achievable when it happens daily. As the famous quote states; “We are what we repeatedly do.” Developing a healthy routine that balances your mental, spiritual, and physical health is essential. Balance also requires awareness and knowing when to pivot. What are some areas in your life that need some adjustments or TLC? More importantly, what areas need pruning? To prune - a function of cutting away to reduce the extent or reach of something by taking away unwanted or superfluous parts. Dr. Henry Cloud stated in his book, Necessary Endings, that we must intentionally and purposefully cut of branches and buds (people and things) that fall into any of three categories:
Healthy buds or branches that are not the best ones
Sick branches that are not going to get well
Dead branches that are taking up space needed for the healthy ones to thrive
Take a few minutes today to inspect your garden (life) and tend to the things that require nurturing or pruning. Lastly, reflect on what brings you joy, and commit to doing more of that.
In health,
Dr. Tabitha